Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday June 15th, 2012

Yesterday was an amazing day for me and Wyatt. In the morning, Wyatt came over around 8 and we went all around Loveland garage saling in hopes of finding items to make cake toppers out of as well as just cool stuff. We were trying to conserve gas by not using the air conditioning so we had the windows open. As we drove by a lawn in a neighborhood by the hospital, the sprinkler came in and hit me in the face. It was probably the funniest thing that has happened to me in a while! Not to mention, I got donuts out of the deal! At King Soopers I had a raised donut with sugar on it and Wyatt had a maple raised donut with sprinkles on it.
Now as some of you may know, I used to live in a mobile home when I was little. We moved out of there in the summer between third grade and fourth grade. While garage saling, we stumbled upon this gorgeous mobile home park that was full of old people, well kept lawns, vintage cars, and attached garages. At the first garage sale within the neighborhood, I bought a gorgeous Sorreto inlaid wooden octagon music box that plays "Isles of Capri" for a dollar. I looked it up and found similar boxes going for a minimum of $150 and goes up to $400. What a deal I got! The next garage sale we stopped at had vintage Fenton dishes and a vintage Fenton carnival cake plate. Everything there was beyond the amount of money in my wallet. A few houses down, we stopped at a sale where the lady running it asked, "are you brother and sister or husband and wife?" Apparently we just look like we are married because we have been asked that so many times. When we walked away from the same sale, she asked, "when is the wedding?" I replied with a, "whenever he asks."
I ended up with a gorgeous box, two teacups, a china saucer, a stone coaster, Enesco music player thing, present for Ron, vintage brownie dish, plastic dinosaurs, and a lovely locket from my boyfriend.
Later that day, after we napped because we were exhausted from running around in the morning, we went to the lake and walked around before we had to go pick up Thomas and go to the laser tag. We wanted to go in the water so badly but we didn't have enough time and we also didn't have swimsuits.
Laser tag was lots of fun! I haven't been laser tagging since I was a freshmen and it was actually fairly fun except for the Aliens vs. Predators games. I ended up meeting a whole bunch of Wyatt's friends and really seemed to connect with one of his friends, Carissa. The party was for his friend Cody and he is back from the military for a month. In the morning, he proposed to his girlfriend, Cynthia, so when they got there, everyone was hugging them and in awe over the ring. Carissa is also engaged to EJ so there are now two engaged couples in his group. I went on a limb and played dodge ball with the friends and happened to get hit in the face. It hurt a bit and sort of annoyed to me. The last game was A vs. P and I was so tired of being killed and not being able to aim and hit people that I just decided to give up. I stood in a corner near the door you leave laser tag out of. One of the guys that works there came up to me and asked me if I was okay. I told him that I was bored of  it and that I really just came to be with Wyatt. He said he would hug me but he isn't allowed to. It was sweet he even cared. In all, it was a great time and I look forward to hanging out with his friends some other time. Perhaps, they will eventually become mine.

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