Monday, April 16, 2012

Second Day at the Beach 2012

Today Wyatt and I decided to head down to Loveland Lake again just to look at the water and pick up my 'shinies'. On our way into the beach, we saw a goose sitting on a pile or sand by a tree. It was a great composition so I decided to take a picture. Well the goose did not see it that way and decided to follow us until we got really far away from it.
While we were walking around the beach picking up 'shinies' we found this gorgeous display of roots that are dried out and have no bark on them. They made a wonderful weaving pattern and so we decided to take pictures of them as well as us on them.
Here are pictures of my sexy man by the water and pretty roots!

Here are the pictures of me by the roots.
On our journey back to the other side of the beach, we found this stump of a tree that was dried out and had wonderful holes in it. It was so smooth and would make the most wonderful table!

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