Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

My Thanksgiving was a pretty good one this year. I went over to my dad's house along with my boyfriend, Wyatt, and we had the usual feast. My nephew, Alex, was pretty sure that he was going to be the champ of eating the family Chicken Noodles. However, that is not so. I still hold the title. It was quite a nice effort though. After we all stuffed our faced full of food, we played the game with the wrapped gift. If you don't know, that game involves a group of people trying to open the present that has been wrapped in roughly five layers and taped with packaging tape. However, if that doesn't seem to be complicated enough, you have to wear oven mitts. You have as long as it takes for the next person to roll doubles on the dice to open the gift. Dad wrapped this one pretty good this year!!! It took a group of my sister, Nikki (super competitive), Nathan (fairly competitive because Nikki pushes him), Alex (not really playing at all, mainly taking pictures), my brother, Nate (not super competitive), Heather (not competitive), Gwyn (fairly competitive), me (slightly competitive), Wyatt (not really competitive), Hunter (competitive), Dad (the helper and competitive),Sherry (competitive), June (not competitive), Carol (very competitive), and lastly Rich (not competitive), forty- five minutes to unwrap this gift completely. The inside prize was a flashlight that could have a small light or a large light on it; it was pretty cool. After stuffing my face, playing the game, and then eating pie, I was pretty sure that I was going to explode. I believe that most of the family felt that way.

My Black Friday started early for me this year. My Black Friday started at nine thirty on Thanksgiving evening when we ventured to Wal- Mart to endure the crowds. I stood in line with Wyatt to get two new laptops while Ronifer was in line for a new t.v. and my mom roamed about the store trying to find other good deals to snag. We ended up getting everything we came for plus five or so movies; which were on sale for $1.97 a piece!

Friday I worked along with Saturday and Sunday. So my weekend ended up being fairly boring and tiring. I hope all of you had a spectacular break as well!

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