Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fix the Broken

I have been thinking about my life as a whole. So far, it is not going how I want it to. But really, who is to blame but myself? Absolutely no one. I think I need to look at my life and edit some things and add others. Do I really need so many collections? No. Are they making me really happy? No. Is my dad really, truly happy? No. Do I want to follow in his path or learn from his examples? Learn from his examples. For most of my life, I have been very dead set on having a boyfriend to spend my time with. Now that I have been single, I am finding out how much I enjoy having other's company and miss being in a relationship. But really what am I looking for in this relationship? Am I looking for someone that will replace my dad when he is gone? Yes. Is that wrong? No. I need to find someone with the qualities I admire in my dad yet have something else going for them. I need to branch out of my 'safety zone' that I have created.
Now tell me, is finding someone online really all that bad? My mom met my stepdad online and they are PERFECT for each other. I think we have just become a society that is afraid of what the internet can make people do as well as disguise what they have done. People lie to your face anyways. I think that people are truthfully more of themselves online than they are in person. It is decided, I am going to move to Australia to go to college. I am going to make something of myself. I am going to reinvent my image of myself. I don't especially care what anyone thinks of this idea because in the end, I will do what I want, and life really is about doing things for yourself. Just watch me everyone!!

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